Meditative Relaxation Cycle

The Meditative Relaxation Cycle is an ongoing project that facilitate drawings from various artists within its machinic structure via online and offline platforms. The installation is a process where artists are asked to make a series of automatic drawings in a meditative state. The drawings are then processed and compiled in movies that are used to relax the public in the installation. From this premise the ongoing project take different forms.
The work is divided in two space. An outter circle and an area of relaxation in the center of the room. The public turn around the structure to access the work. While waiting for their turn, they contemplate other members of the public looking at the work. Inside the relaxation zone, the viewer browses with a remote control the artist they wished to relax with and look at their drawings on a flat screen. The exhibition also comprises a limited edition meditation kit to help prepare the relaxation moment, with ambient music, a text and a manual on how to do your very own digital automatic drawings. A website version of the work ensures that anyone can relax online in the intimacy of their home.
The second version of the Meditative Relaxation Cycle functions as a closed loop. The experience of drawing and relaxing become more communal. The space is arranged as a lounge with carpets and bean bags. The public is invited to draw their automatic drawings on Ipads spread in the space. The drawings are then uploaded on a website and fed directly back to the viewers via a large projection. An online version of the work is also available at
2014, photos credit Tom Clark